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A visit to the Isle of Purbeck – KS4 Geography Field Trip


On one of the very few beautiful days of January, the key stage 4 geography students embarked on a field trip, to the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset.


This terms topic has been ‘Coasts’ and Mr Fox and Miss Longson, supported the students to conduct a review of the different features of the Jurassic coastline.


The students visited the town of Swanage, Dancing Ledge and Durdle Door.


Among many of the Jurassic coastline’s features, examples were visited of the following: a bay, a headland, a wave cut platform and an arch, stack and stump.


Students were able to demonstrate their knowledge by describing the different, coastal features, types of erosion and specific wave types that have caused changes along the coastline.


No geography fieldtrip is ever quite complete without excitement of some sort! - All students were able to demonstrate skills in map reading, understanding the use of local landmarks and different compass bearings; however, there was no notification about the amount of mud we encountered on our walk to Dancing Ledge.


Well done to all students for their positive engagement in the trip and overcoming the mud bank that we were faced with!


We look forward to studying rivers… with hopefully less obstacles!