Meet the Team

Interim Principal
Melissa McCarthy
"I have worked within residential childcare and educational settings since 2011.
I hold a Diploma level 3 in young people and children and a Diploma level 5 in Leadership and Management.
My varied range of experiences in both paid and voluntary work has allowed me to understand the varying needs of children and young people, child protection and safeguarding, how best to support young people and also of how to work with other professionals and families effectively within the field.
I have also completed voluntary work as an independent volunteer for the children society (2011-2013) and won Independent volunteer of the year in 2013."

Assistant Head of Education
Timothy Hunt
Telephone: 01258 860295
I have worked in educational settings since 1982. I have worked as a qualified teacher, Curriculum Manager, Director and Deputy Principal in FE Colleges offering a range of specialist education from foundation learning to higher education.
I have a masters level leadership and management qualification and hold technical qualifications in the land based industries, environmental sciences, health care sectors, and employability services.
I have worked with specialist SEN organisations from the beginning of my career and was privileged to gain my post at The Forum school in February 2024. This has enabled me to work with our exceptional learners and a dedicated and capable group of staff.

Assistant Head of Education
Saba Gilani
With over 20 years of experience in education, I have had the privilege of holding various roles in mainstream education as well as in international school settings.
My key strengths and passion lie in early years education, with a particular focus on creativity. I hold PGDip in Early Childhood Education and Leadership with B.Ed. QTS.
I joined TFS school last year as the Phase Lead for the lower school, and it has truly felt like home since then. As I step into the role of Assistant Head this year, I am excited to continue my journey here. My vision is to make the curriculum engaging, enjoyable, and accessible to all our students. I believe deeply in the potential of our young people, and my mission is to help unlock that potential, empowering them to achieve their best.

Care Services Manager
Kerry Byron
Telephone: 01258 860295
"I have worked at the school for 18 years and have been the Registered Manager for the last two. I oversee the children's home within the school and am dedicated to working with our care staff team to support our children and young people to grow and develop. I fully appreciate that leaving your child in the trust of other adults is a challenging time and therefore we strive to ensure that good relationships are built with all parents and work to ensure that key information is communicated to you.
I recognise and promote that for the majority of the year, if not all, this is the children's home and we are privileged to be a part of their childhood. We recognise that each and every child at the school needs care and nurturing and we work with them and you to use individual strategies that best support their individual needs, thus striving to ensure they gain as much from their experience here as possible."

Care Manager
Hannah Everard
Telephone: 01258 860295
"I am a Care Manager at The Forum School. I have worked at The Forum School for 15 years starting when I was just 18 years old.
Prior to starting at The Forum School I always enjoyed looking after children, helping them learn and grow and still do. I had a voluntary job at the local youth centre for 7 years, I did some peer mentoring and supported the young people in many areas from support with their foster care and families, activities, trips, relationships and friendships.
My career at The Forum School started as a support worker and after completing my level 3 NVQ for caring for children and Young people (autism) I became a senior support worker. I then took the opportunity to become an assistant team manager and at the beginning of 2019 became one of The Forum School’s Care Managers. I love working at The Forum School and assuring the young people have a nurturing home environment to live in and thrive to achieve their personal best, enabling them to leave us with as many different skills as possible for their future as an adult."
Care Manager
Mark Rogers
Telephone: 01258 860295
“I have worked in residential care settings since 1999 and have over 18 years of experience working with young people with an ASD diagnosis. My roles have included Support Worker, Assistant Team Manager, Team Manager and now Care Manager.
I am commmited to providing the highest quality care for young people and ensuring they have an environment which is supportive and nurturing.”

Clinical Specialist Lead (Nursing)
Dawn Storey
Telephone: 01258 860295
"I have been a Nurse for over 30 years, with experience working with adults and children and young people in a variety of settings, from hospital inpatient to community based. I have worked in Mental Health rehab services, Blood and Transplant, Care of the Elderly, Occupational Therapy Services and for the last 11 years in School Nursing, in Bedfordshire and now in Dorset. I have project managed and delivered innovative practise and am always looking to improve and maintain high standards of care in whichever setting I am working in.
School Nursing is my passion. I have determination to act as the voice of Young people to ensure it is heard and listened to in providing care to support them to maintain healthy lives and to facilitate treatment plans collaborated with the whole multi-disciplinary team and Parents, to be implemented when ill health arises.
It is a privilege to be in a place to Nurse the Children and Young people in our care at The Forum School and one I do not take lightly. I am particularly passionate that our CYP are cared for in an environment of excellence and that they are given every provision to support them to access healthcare in a timely and appropriate manner. Our CYP have additional needs which necessitate us all to be able to work together, to note any behaviours which may signify that they are unwell and in need of support and to provide a comfortable, safe environment for them to receive treatment.
I work alongside other Health Professionals to provide GP clinics, Paediatrician clinics, immunisation programmes, advice and support to staff, awareness sessions for anaphylaxis and epilepsy and the education needed to administer Epi pens and Buccolam. Maintaining oversight on general health needs, including liaising with specialist dental services and paediatric wards for treatments, outpatient clinics, social care staff, as well as addressing Public Health Agendas throughout the school. I am determined to provide our Young People with the best possible chance to be healthy and safe."

Head of Education
Jane Holloway
I am privileged to be Head of Education at The Forum School.
Prior to commencing this role, I was a Headteacher of a Primary School and Executive Deputy Headteacher of a large federation. Other roles have included Class Teacher and Curriculum Manager as well as Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Lead.
I am passionate about inclusion for all and believe in providing rich experiences and opportunities for children and young people to succeed in the wider world.
I recognise the importance of education for each and every young person and strive to ensure a curriculum that allows individualised teaching and learning opportunities. Being Head of Education allows me the opportunity to work with an amazing team who are committed to providing the very best education, this resonates with my own vision.
I believe that education is a powerful gift and one that I am in a privileged position to give. I am passionate about building opportunities for all to achieve their potential, ensuring their unique personalities and interests are nurtured and developed to the full.
Governance Board
Termly Governance Board meetings are held at The Forum School to ensure that the management of the school is closely scrutinised and held to account in all areas of responsibility.
The agenda comprises of:
✓ Voice of the Child - student feedback
✓ Head Teachers Highlight Report outlining achievements and challenges and progress against school improvement report
✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Care
✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Education
✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Therapy
✓ Commercial Performance
✓ Staffing and Personnel
✓ Estates Report
✓ IT report
The Governance Board contain key individuals from outside and within the school who attend this meeting each term and parental and staff feedback is always welcomed.