Specialist Education

Cambian Brook View School Environment

We understand residential schools can never replace a student’s home, but we make every effort to create a welcoming environment for our young people.  Our staff are caring professionals, who apply a gentle, yet consistent approach providing the emotional and educational support our students need.


We have a range of onsite accommodation including Brook View House, Brook View Lodge and Brook View Flats which cater for our post 16 students encouraging more independent living.


Our homes benefit from communal lounges and dining rooms providing a family environment where our young people feel safe and comfortable.  Students are encouraged to personalise their own rooms to make them truly a ‘home from home’.


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Sensory Integration Room

Designed to stimulate and support the children’s sensory needs and motor skills. The young people can use the equipment to manage their own arousal levels.


Multisensory light room

Provides a constantly changing environment promoting visual development and hand/eye co-ordination. It is designed to be calming and allows the young people to take sensory breaks.


Adapted play equipment

The garden areas are perfect for sensory breaks and PE lessons. With the support of staff, the young people have the option to interact with their classmates as well as stay fit in our outdoor gym.


Life skills room

Pupils are supported to develop independent living skills including cooking in a home style setting, cleaning and washing up.


Interactive floor

A system that responds to gesture and movement creating dynamic images designed to stimulate, engage and relax.


Outside In

Outside In allows young people to explore, relax, climb, and swing, whilst being multi-purpose and adaptive. The room can change to suit individual learners needs.


Outside In Photo Collage


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Purpose built playground

Provides a large space for a variety of activities, games and therapy, this environment provides an area for the young people to interact with their peers

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