Cambian Hartlepool School

Hartlepool School's charcoal champions!


Holocaust Memorial Day


England Vs Greece 


Science Field Trip




It's coming home


An afternoon of playing real life Call of Duty!


Knife Crime


Go Karting


➜ World Book Day


➜ Hartlepool to...Wembley


➜ National Curry Week


➜ Roseberry Topping


➜ Tallships come to Hartlepool


Check Mate


 Hartlepool say Farewell to their Year 11 Leavers


➜ Science Field Trip to Stanhope


➜ England Vs Macedonia


A Fantastic Football Feeling

Eyes on the Hoop


➜ Getting in the Christmas Spirit


➜ Black History Month


➜ Thrill-Seeking Water Sports


➜ Sunderland Climbing Wall


➜ Personal Training Sessions Continue


➜ Platinum Jubilee Masterpiece!


➜ Top-Gear Go-Karting


➜ Getting Fit at Fit House!


➜ Hartlepools Easter Egg Donation


➜ World Book Day Was 'Eggcellent'


➜ Chinese New Year Buffet!


➜ Hartlepool Students Hoorah For The Home Team!


➜ Hartlepool School Happy For The Holidays!


➜ School Litter Pick


➜ Blooming Marvellous


➜ Hartlepool School Helping Children in Need!


➜ Cultivating Kindness


➜ 'Perfectly Purple'


➜ "What's the Scoop?"


➜ Black History Month


➜ Treadmills And Tackles


➜ 'Hat-trick' at Hartlepool with FIFA 22


➜  Hartlepool School Student Wins Arts & Crafts Award


➜  Hartlepool School Celebrate World Book Day!



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Quick Links


➜  Reports & Policies

➜  Arrange a Visit

➜  Enquiries


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