Specialist Education

Cambian Brook View School's Curriculum

Cambian Brook View School is an independent specialist day and residential school providing a high standard of education for students aged 8–19 years old with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related conditions. We have a multi-disciplinary approach to the pupils’ education and care that includes speech and language therapists and occupational therapists working alongside highly qualified and dedicated school staff.


At Brook View School we have built an eclectic approach to pupils learning, considering current theories and methods of teaching. All of our young people display significant difficulties within the ‘Triad of Impairment’ that is at the heart of the autism.


A student’s difficulties in language and communication, social relationships, and rigid patterns of behaviour, thoughts, interests and sensory difficulties form major barriers to learning. Our role is to help our pupils to come to terms with, and overcome, these difficulties.


Brook View School offers a broad and balanced curriculum to all students and is line with our funding agreements and meets the Independent School Standards. 


At Brook View School the whole curriculum is used to promote key skills for pupils with autism including communication and interaction, cognition and learning, life skills, independence skills, social skills and physical and sensory development.


At Brook View School pupils are set challenging, achievable targets agreed and reviewed regularly with parents, carers and key stakeholders within the pupil’s life.  This maybe through the Annual Review, Individual Education Plans, Positive Behaviour Support Plans etc., these may be around curriculum subjects, communication skills, life skills or self-help skills. 


Achievement at Brook View School is measured in a number of ways, mainly through ongoing teacher assessment.  We are centre accredited for a number of examination or qualification boards including ASDAN, AQA and Pearson Edexcel. Most of the qualifications achieved are through continual coursework, with individual levels of ability recorded.


We have thorough internal moderation systems, with qualifications only being awarded when the boards have confirmed the quality of the work. Where exams are essential, students are prepared for sitting them with guidance and support.


We try and provide work experience for all our KS4 and KS5 students. This might be internal in the first instance and then placements found within industry and community settings where possible.


We look for appropriate jobs and skillset for the individual. Vocational options are timetabled into the school week, offering opportunities to try different things and learn new skills. Students are also given a greater understanding of occupations and careers guidance. 


See below information about our classrooms:


Green classroom

Purple classroom


Qualifications include:


✓ ASDAN Short courses

✓ AQA Personal Development

✓ AQA Entry Level qualifications

✓ AQA Unit Awards

✓ AQA Functional Skills – entry to level 1

✓ Employability / Careers

✓ Independent careers advice and work experience


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