New Elizabethan School

We have a flexible approach to learning, personalising the curriculum and teaching groups to meet students' individual learning needs and abilities.


Cambian New Elizabethan offers a diverse, active and highly structured curriculum within an environment that is calm, consistent and purposeful. We aim to ensure that all areas of need from the individuals Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are well provided for.


We educate students through a thematic and experiental approach to learning, as an extension of the National Curriculum, on which our own curriculum is based. We provide personalised learning programmes with a curriculum that has an inherent flexibility to ensure that the needs of individual students are met.  We encourage students to take part in offsite activities such as trips and visits.  We also offer a residential trip to students to enhance their social skills and encourage teamwork and collaboration.


In addition to our enriching curriculum we also aim to meet the therapeutic needs of the young people in our care.  These can be addressed with individual sessions, small group sessions and by meeting the communications, psychological, sensory and mental health needs of each individual by ensuring our teaching staff understand the best environment and strategies in which to assist the learning of every young person in our care. This is done via direct or indirect work from our highly trained and specialist therapeutic staff.  The therapy team are very much part of the school and are integral to our success.


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Personalised Approach

Some of our students are gifted in certain subjects or have a talent which needs to be nurtured if their skills are to be built upon and enjoyment for learning harnessed. We provide the support and specialist teaching necessary for students to sit qualifications early if appropiate.


In Key Stage 2 we have a primary approach to our learning. The teachers who work with the students focus on different subject areas. The emphasis is on engagement, literacy, numeracy and creativity. Assessment and tracking will relate back to the national curriculum progression guidance.


This continues through Key Stage 3 also, ensuring that students have a broad and balanced curriculum and, if appropriate, are ready to access Level 1 and 2 qualifications, including GCSEs during Key Stage 4. By Key Stage 5, many students are ready to progress to Level 3 study, which could include qualifications from the A level family.


Life Skills


All students are taught life skills, as well as being prepared for life beyond school, whether that continues at college, university, as an apprentice or in the workplace. Students are supported with identifying appropriate next steps, at Key Stage 4 and 5 (post-16).


In addition to academic attainment, students are provided with the opportunity to develop their full potential in the following areas: 


• Physical health and wellbeing

• Independence, life skills and self-help

• Communication skills

• The ability to make informed choices

• Intellectual development and problem solving

• Spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness

• Positive self-esteem and confidence


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Post-16 and Further Education


There are three key routes available for post-16 students at Cambian New Elizabethan School:


✓ Progress to a college of further education on a full-time basis while remaining at Cambian New Elizabethan School to study other subjects


 Progress to a college of further education on a part-time basis while remaining at Cambian New Elizabethan School to study other subjects


✓ Remain at the School on a full-time basis until the end of their studies


Whatever the appropriate route for each student, we are able to provide the right level of support to ensure success.  Our current focus in Post-16 is a drive to ensure students have a blend of academic success coupled with essential life skills to equip them for the next phase in their journey beyond our school.  We are skilled at supporting our learners to thier next destination after a successful time at Cambian New Elizabethan School.


Cambian New Elizabethan School has been built and designed based on many years' experience of providing highly successful specialist education services.

Subjects include:

✓ Arts Award

✓ Functional Skills English (Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening) Entry Level to Level 1

✓ Functional Skills Maths, Entry Level to Level 1

✓ ASDAN  Science

✓ AQA Personal Development

✓ AQA Entry Level qualifications

✓ AQA Unit Awards

✓ NCFE Entry Level Sport

✓ BTEC up to level 2 – Vocational Skills

✓ Life skills entry / level 1

✓ Animal care – on site

✓ Employability skills

✓ Independent careers advice and work experience

✓ Food Technology

✓ Computing

✓ Music 

✓ Media Production

✓  Performing Arts

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For our younger students, there is a dedicated primary teaching area and play areas outdoors. All primary students have access to the specialist teaching rooms as well as opportunities to be part of the whole school during assemblies and whole school events.

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Quick Links


➜  Reports

➜  Policies

➜  Arrange a Visit

➜  Enquiries


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