Potterspury Lodge School

We have a flexible approach to learning, personalising the curriculum and offering small teaching groups to meet students' learning needs and abilities.

Personalised approach


The curriculum followed is broadly based on the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, but the delivery of subjects is adapted within the classroom to meet the needs of our students. The curriculum model emphasises the importance of key core subjects, whilst offering similar breadth to the National Curriculum.


It is important to us that students access learning appropriate to their learning needs and interests. Therefore, while some students follow a GCSE pathway, others may access Functional Skills or Entry Level. This means that all students are accessing qualifications at an appropriate level for themselves.


Personal Development including careers, life skills and independence are also key aspects of our curriculum as we recognise the importance of preparing our students for adulthood and further education. Careers interviews from Level Six Qualified Careers Advisors, help shape students' Key Stage 4 curriculum to ensure they access the relevant subjects and levels of qualifications and accreditations appropriate to their next steps.


The academic offer students receive support from our clinical team. Timetabled Social Thinking sessions are delivered each week in tutor groups. Focused Preparation for Adulthood and careers is taught in PSHE. There is also an opportunity for students to have short periods of work experience where appropriate. Where possible the school places students with local employers and works with partner organisations.


At Cambian Potterspury Lodge School we aim to provide consistent, diverse, enjoyable and structured learning opportunities through a broad and balanced curriculum.



Top Quotation

 I was impressed by the atmosphere in the school and in the classroom areas and in particular the level of engagement that the young people had in the sessions that they were present in. I’m sure it’s not always calm but the layout of the classrooms and the light and space do I think, help in creating a safe and therapeutic space for the young people to learn and achieve to their full potential.

- Director of Compliance, CareTechBottom Quotation


Potterspury Lodge School Environment


Cambian Potterspury Lodge is set in a large country house and grounds within the twenty-two acre site. We have a large playing field and hard court surfaces and there is outdoor exercise equipment and swings for recreation. 


Consistent teaching and learning takes place over a longer period than in mainstream day schools. Class groups are small, allowing for individual programmes of study. Alongside the formal curriculum, behaviour management strategies and the development of social skills are also an integral part of every lesson on the timetable.


Qualifications we offer include:


✓ ASDAN qualifications

✓ Essential Digital Skills Entry Level 3 - Level 1

✓ AQA Unit Awards

✓ Entry Level

✓ Functional Skills

✓ Arts Award

✓ Food and Nutritition

✓ Duke of Edinburgh Award

✓ Forest Schools

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