Potterspury Lodge School

We have a flexible approach to learning, personalising the curriculum and offering small teaching groups to meet students' learning needs and abilities.

Personalised approach

The aim of the curriculum at Potterspury Lodge School is to provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum that is sufficiently differentiated to recognise the individual needs of students. Our curriculum offer aims to embed students with the skills that prepare students for a successful working life and stable relationships.


Our curriculum seeks to ensure that students communicate effectively and are emotionally resilient. That they can regulate their emotions and are prepared with skills for life that will allow them to be independent.


There are two curriculums that are on offer at Potterspury Lodge School. Our formal and semi-formal curriculum pathways.


Formal Curriculum

  • This reflects the National Curriculum for England, with the below subjects. English, Maths, Science, Computing, Physical Education, Geography, History, Food, Art or Music, PSHE and Religious Education.
  • This is for our students who, with the correct levels of support, are able to access age-related and mainstream teaching structures.
  • In Key Stage 4, opportunities exist for students to access qualifications across a variety of levels depending on prior attainment.


Semi formal Curriculum 

  • This is an enhanced provision for our students with more complex needs. This focuses on developing practical skills and knowledge. There is a strong focus around the development of positive social and communication skills, with a focus on ASC-aware structure, teaching and learning techniques.
  • This thematic curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, presented in half termly themes.
  • In Key Stage 4, opportunities exist for students to access qualifications. These will primarily be Entry Level, life skills or using qualifications from Asdan that promote life skills and independence.


The students are assessed against the learning objectives and the skill requirements for each subject. This will look different for each student dependent on their ability levels. Students are also expected to make progress against their Education, Health, Care Plan targets, and these will look different for each child.


The curriculum will also enable students to become good citizens and demonstrate an appreciation for each other and their local community.


Top Quotation

 I was impressed by the atmosphere in the school and in the classroom areas and in particular the level of engagement that the young people had in the sessions that they were present in. I’m sure it’s not always calm but the layout of the classrooms and the light and space do I think, help in creating a safe and therapeutic space for the young people to learn and achieve to their full potential.

- Director of Compliance, CareTechBottom Quotation


Potterspury Lodge School Environment


Cambian Potterspury Lodge is set in a large country house and grounds within the twenty-two acre site. We have a large playing field and hard court surfaces and there is outdoor exercise equipment and swings for recreation. 


Consistent teaching and learning takes place over a longer period than in mainstream day schools. Class groups are small, allowing for individual programmes of study. Alongside the formal curriculum, behaviour management strategies and the development of social skills are also an integral part of every lesson on the timetable.


Qualifications we offer include:


✓ ASDAN qualifications

✓ Essential Digital Skills Entry Level 3 - Level 1

✓ AQA Unit Awards

✓ Entry Level

✓ Functional Skills

✓ Arts Award

✓ Food and Nutritition

✓ Duke of Edinburgh Award

✓ Forest Schools

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