Specialist Education

Young people have the opportunity to develop to their full potential in preparation of their future life where there is a passion for learning and mutual respect for all.


At Northampton School our fundamental belief is that all young people are entitled to achieve their full potential, at whatever level this may be. Pupils are supported to develop socially and emotionally, manage their behaviour accordingly and recognize the benefits derived from a physically active lifestyle.


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Curriculum Ethos and Aims


Underpinning the above belief is the desire to prepare students for one, or more of the following:


  • Further education and study.
  • Independent or supported living.
  • Employment or apprenticeships.
  • To gain the skills required to contribute to society and be responsible citizens


Northampton School aims to meet the needs of individual pupils by “personalising” the curriculum in response to these needs. We support pupils within their National Curriculum year group with appropriate National Curriculum Programmes of Study, differentiated to provide access and to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced education. Some pupils may be taught outside of their year group depending on their required behavioural and learning needs. In addition some pupils will have modifications to the full National Curriculum entitlement.

Northampton School will provide an environment in which all of its members feel safe, valued and respected.


Initial Assessments

All young people who attend Northampton School will be asked to sit a Literacy and Numeracy test using Pearson’s Steps baseline assessment as an initial screening tool. Information will also be gathered from their previous educational provider. Subject staff for English, Maths and Science will, after an initial assessment period, give the pupil an assessment level. These levels currently consist of steps from 1-9 that run alongside the Pearson’s programme, these are age related targets.


Students work on a pathway plan and gain certificates on a termly basis that work towards their final qualifications. An end of year target grade will then be given by the subject specialist and the pupil’s progress will be monitored and tracked each term to check that progress is being made and that the pupil is “on track”.


Awards and Qualifications

Pupils will study a range of subjects with a strong emphasis on a relevant and personalised curriculum.  Pupils, depending on thier ability will have the opportunity to gain recognisable qualifications and awards at:

  • GCSE 9-1
  • Functional Skills
  • Entry Level
  • Accredited Unit Awards


We also offer vocational placements to all students and they will have the opportunity to receive staff support as required, including college. In some cases, there may be the opportunity for students to begin working independently at placements. However, this must be risk assessed and pre-planned with the final decision made by the school.


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Qualifications we offer include:


✓ Functional Skills

✓ Entry Level

✓ Accredited Unit Awards

✓ ASDAN Level 1 + Level 2 Qualifications

✓ ASDAN Bronze/Silver/Gold

✓ ASDAN short courses

✓ The Art Award

✓ Sports Leaders qualifications

✓ Vocational courses such as Animal care and mechanics (others are available)

✓ Horse therapy accreditation courses

 Testimonial Image

"I have really enjoyed all the memories I have made and I would like to thank everyone for helping me to get to where I am today."


- Student

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