Cambian Hartlepool School

Meet the Cambian Hartlepool School Staff

Head Teacher

Paul Barnfather

Telephone: 01429 224965

Paul has worked in education for over 25 years delivering alternative education to pupils deemed at risk of exclusion or who have an Education, Health & Care Plan. Paul has been at Hartlepool School since it opened in 2007 joining as a Teacher / Tutor and as Interventions Manager. Paul is now Hartlepool Schools Head Teacher.


Pastoral Manager / School Administrator

Zoe Cousins

Zoe has worked for the company since 2009, starting out as a residential Childcare worker. Zoe came to Hartlepool school to support Administration and applied for the Teaching assistant post whilst on maternity Leave. After maternity leave Zoe returned to Hartlepool school full time as a Teaching Assistant which then led on to a Pastoral Manager. The Administrative role within school is still over seen by Zoe.


Maths/Science Teacher

Johnathan Finnegan

Telephone: 01429 224965

Johnathan qualified in 2004 and worked as a primary school supply teacher in various schools throughout the region. Johnathan joined the organisation on a part time basis in 2008, which became a full time position in Sept 2008. Johnathan is the Maths and Science Co-ordinator at Hartlepool school.


Art and Technology Teacher

Leanne McPartlin

Leanne has previous experience within the Cambian team as a Senior Residential Childcare Worker. Leaving residential work in 2014 to enter into a mainstream primary education and start up her own business delivering arts and craft sessions, as well as children’s face painting and entertainment for all occasions. Leanne’s passion for her work had drawn her back into the Cambian Group and the Hartlepool School in 2017, delivering Art BTECH as well as assisting in the day to day duties of the teachers and young people.


English Teacher

Lee Phoenix

Lee qualified as a Teacher in 2017. Since qualifying Lee has worked in Alternative Educational Provisions for young people who are struggling within a mainstream setting. Lee has taught English and PE across schools he has worked at and has joined Cambian Group in 2022 as an English teacher.


IT/PE/Humanities Teacher

Katie Jane Cook

Katie has over 10 years experience working alongside outreach workers, social services and schools. She has successfully ran numerous community projects within educational settings over the years. Katie is a qualified ESL (English as a second language) teacher, teaching children/adults from all around the world. She joined the Cambian Group in the summer of 2022,


PHSE / Food Tech Tutor

Kirsty Owen

Kirsty has previous experience working with Young People in the community before starting her job as a Residential Childcare worker within a Cambian Children’s Home in 2018. Kirsty left the residential home to join Hartlepool School as a Teaching Assistant in 2020. Kirsty also delivers PSHE within the school and more recently took over the food tech lessons which is something she’s shown great passion in and the young people enjoy learning.


General Enquiries


Telephone: 0161 507 3723


Governance Board

Termly Governance Board meetings are held at Cambian Hartlepool School to ensure that the management of the school is closely scrutinised and held to account in all areas of responsibility.


The agenda comprises of:


✓ Voice of the Child - student feedback


✓ Head Teachers Highlight Report outlining achievements and challenges and progress against school improvement report


✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Care


✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Education


✓ Outcomes for Children and Young People - Therapy


✓ Commercial Performance


✓ Staffing and Personnel


✓ Estates Report


✓ IT report


The Governance Board contain key individuals from outside and within the school who attend this meeting each term and parental and staff feedback is always welcomed.



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Quick Links


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➜  Arrange a Visit

➜  Enquiries


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