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At Cambian Great Dunmow School, when we get knocked down... we get back up. When we find things hard... we try even harder. When we say we can't... we remind ourselves...YET!
Our vision is to be a leading provider of high-quality specialist education and support prioritising safety, trust and respect for all learners to help them achieve their full potential academically, emotionally and socially.
Our Aims
At Cambian Great Dunmow School, our mission is to inspire children and young people to achieve their goals, and become integrated members of society by supporting them in a holistic way to overcome barriers and develop their confidence.
We work collaboratively with carers/parents and young people to improve outcomes by:
• Developing young people’s self-esteem, independence and awareness of, and consideration for, the feelings and the needs of others within the school and community
• Providing a positive, safe and caring environment in which young people and staff feel happy and secure in the process of learning
• Providing young people with access to high quality education and pastoral care to enhance personal development, stimulate growth and provide unique learning experiences both inside the classroom and in the local community
• Encouraging young people to positively manage their own behaviour through the development of emotional literacy
• Establishing a culture of mutual respect and tolerance through positive interactions and relatedness.
• Providing a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the individual needs of each young person needs, supporting the outcomes of their Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)
If you would like some advice or more information about Great Dunmow School, contact us here.